Health and Wellbeing

Tandem Theatre delivered a Health and Wellbeing Theatre programme at Salford Women’s Centre. The participants explored the issues they thought impacted their physical health such as drug and alcohol abuse, smoking and a sedate life style.

The group also looked at issues that effect mental and emotional health such as isolation, stress and depression. The women in particular wanted to focus on how images in the media can negatively impact our self esteem and feelings of self worth.

The group explored solutions and coping strategies to combat negative influences on health highlighting support networks, hobbies, counselling and services like women’s centres. The group performed fantastic performances for family, friends, service users and centre staff.


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This has given me a chance to be myself






Tandem Theatre | The Castle | Lewis Street | Eccles | Manchester | M30 0PU

Company number: 8408118 | Registered Charity number: 1157001